Yesterday I shot engagement pictures for Christina, my old roommate, and her fiance Gil. It was the first day below 100 degrees so far this week and it was a beautiful night for it. We started at a Dawson Creek Park in Hillsboro...
It was fun to watch them together and see how very much in love they really are. It made my job pretty easy. We of course had to do a few photos showing off the rock :)... Then we headed over to the Washington County fair for a few more fun shots. One of their first dates was at the Rose Festival so this took them back to feel of that date. It was fun to focus on them amidst the craziness of the people, games, and rides...
I had the pleasure of working with the same family, the Hollands, twice this summer. First for Lindsay & Chris's wedding and than the second time was on July 11th for Jackie & Evan's wedding. Both were 2 of my favorite weddings to date. Such beautiful brides, handsome and fun grooms, and such a fun group of people all around!!! I also had my good friend Julie there with me for a few hours doing a little practice for shooting my wedding in a few months. And basically any day I get to hang with Julie is a pretty good day. :)
Here are some of my favorite shots from that day...
On June 27th I had the privilege of shooting Megan and Trevor's wedding which took place in their backyard. It was a small wedding and it was nice to see just how close each attendee was to the couple. Megan had just completed grad school and it was clear how proud her family was of her to have completed that huge accomplishment, and now to be getting married. It was a great celebration to be a part of...
On June 20th I shot a wedding with Megan & Taylor Finley, they are a great couple and it was obvious how much they loved each other throughout the day... It was such a fun group and we had a lot of time before the ceremony so we were able to do lots of different group shots. Some of my favorites to date... The ceremony took place at Trinity Episcopal Cathedral and it was beautiful...
The ceremony took place at the Forestry Center. The evening had the perfect mix of fun and emotion. And despite the off and on drops of rain, it was a perfect day...